News & Updates
Prof. Ashraf Brik has been awarded the prestigious Vincent du Vigneaud Award, recognizing his outstanding contributions to peptide research 2025.
Prof. Ashraf Brik was elected to be a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
Congratulations to Prof. Ashraf Brik for winning the 2024 Rappaport Prize for his excellent research in Biomedicine
Congratulations to Mahde Hasan for receiving the VATAT fellowship
Prof. Brik received The RTICC Research Award 2022- 2023 For a Seminal Study In Cancer Research
Prof. Brik received the Hershel Rich Technion Innovation Awards for 2023
Congratulations to Guy Mann for Winning the Naomi Gani Academic Excellence Award
Prof. Brik has joined to the editorial board of The Journal of Peptide Science
Congratulations to Reem Mousa for winning the Payne’s fellowship for postdoctoral studies starting October 2022
Congratulations to Guy Mann for receiving the Rothschild postdoctoral fellowship.
The ACS Central Science selected our recent publication, “Highly Efficient Cyclization Approach of Propargylated Peptides via Gold(I)-Mediated Sequential C–N, C–O, and C–C Bond Formation”, for the cover page of the last issue of 2021.
Our recent paper, “The 20S as a Stand-Alone Proteasome in Cells can Degrade the Ubiquitin-Tags”, Featured in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights
Congratulations to Shaswati Mandel for receiving best poster prize in the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry annual meeting
Congratulations to Shay Laps for receiving Israel Academy Emergency Postdoctoral Fellowships for Israelis in Israel.
Prof. Brik received the Israel Chemical Society Prize of Excellence 2019
Congratulation to Shay Laps for receiving the Jacob excellent award
Congratulation to Emad for receiving the Sago excellent teaching award
Congratulation to Guy Mann for receiving the Jacob excellent award
Emad received the VATAT Fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral Scholar.
Prof. Brik recieved the 2018 ERC advanced grant
Shay received the APS travel award.
Muhammad received the VATAT Postdoctoral Fellowship for Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar.
Muhammad received the Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship.
Guy Mann awarded the Gutwirth excellence scholarship.
Muhammad awarded the ICS-Uri Golik Prize for an Excellent Graduate Student.
Muhammad received the Rothschild postdoctoral fellowship.
“Best Flash Talk Prize” to Mickal at the 15th Annual Meeting of the MCS-ICS.
Muhammad has being awarded the WOLF prize for outstanding PhD student.
Prof. Brik was appionted to hold The Jordan and Irene Tark Academic Chair.
Congradulations to Muhammad Jbara for wining the Israel Chemical Society prize for outstanding PhD student.
Our paper on Switching Futile para-Quinone to Efficient ROS Generator: Ubiquitin Specific Protease-2 Inhibition, Electrocatalysis and Quantification is highlighted in the cover page of chembiochem.
Muhammad Jbara received the 2017 Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant for Young Scientists (The U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, BSF).
Our paper: “Palladium-Assisted Removal of a Solubilizing Tag from a Cys Side Chain To Facilitate Peptide and Protein Synthesis” was chosen as ACS Editors Chiose.
Shimrit Ohayon received the best poster award at the 6th EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry
Brik received the 11th Hirata Award (Japan)
Brik received the Friedrich Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany)
Our paper “Non-Enzymatic Polyubiquitination of Expressed Proteins, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136 (6),2665–2673 was highlighted as ACS Editors’ Choice and in ACS Chemical Biology.
Our paper “Synthetic polyubiquitinated α-Synuclein reveals important insights into the roles of the ubiquitin chain in regulating its pathophysiology, published in PNAS, was highlighted in News of the Week of C&EN. Issue: VOLUME 91, NUMBER 38 SEPTEMBER 23, 2013
Peter Siman and Mahmood Haj-Yahya received Makhteshim (Sharev) awards for Outstanding Doctoral students.
Brik is the recipient of the Teva Award for Excellence in Chemical Biology (with Prof. Dan Tawfik) in memory of Eli Hurvitz.
Roman Meledin received the Negev (Faran) fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral student.
Somasekhar Bondalapati received the PBC fellowship (Council for Higher Education) for Outstanding Post-doctoral Researchers from China or India -2013/2014.
Brik was promoted to the rank of a Full Professor (As of March 1st, 2012).
Peter Siman received the best presentation award, Graduate Student Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel.
Hemantha Hosahalli received the PBC fellowship (Council for Higher Education) for Outstanding Post-doctoral Researchers from China or India -2012/2013.
Mahmood Haj-Yahya received a travel award for the 32nd European Peptide Symposium (EPS).
Shimrit Ohayon received the Negev-Pharan scholarship for outstanding Ph.D. students.
Brik is the recipient of the Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry for 2013. The Award will be presented at the 14th Tetrahedron Symposium in Vienna next June.
Brik is the recipient of the Toronto Prize (BGU).
Liat Spasser received the Israel Chemical Society Prize for Excellent Graduate Students 2011.
Liat Spasser received the 2011 Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant for Young Scientists(The U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF).
Brik joined the Editorial Board of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry.
Brik joined the International Advisory Board of the Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry.
Mahmood Haj-Yahya and Peter Siman received scholarships from the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology.
Brik is the recipient of the 2011 Israel Chemical Society Prize for the Outstanding Young Scientist.
Liat Spasser received the best poster award at the ’22nd American Peptide Symposium’ in San Diego.
Our paper “Total Synthesis of a 304 residue, k48-linked tetra-Ubiquitin” was highlighted in News of the Week, C&EN, May 2011.
Our paper “Total Synthesis of a 304 residue, k48-linked tetra-Ubiquitin” was selected by the Editors of Angew. Chem. as a “hot paper” for its importance in a rapidly evolving field of high current interest.
Brik received the JSP fellowship in the 46th Buergenstock Conference, in Brunnen, Switzerland.
Brik was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor
Our paper “Towards elucidating the role of ubiquitination in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease using semisynthetic ubiquitinated alpha-Syn” was selected by the Editors of Angew. Chem. as a “hot paper” for its importance in a rapidly evolving field of high current interest.
Mahmood Haj-Yahya and Peter Siman received scholarships from the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology.
Our paper “Total Chemical Synthesis of di-Ubiquitin Chains” was highlighted in C&EN, Dec 20, 2010. (Issue: Chemical Year in Review 2010)
Our paper “Total Chemical Synthesis of di-Ubiquitin Chains” was highlighted in C&EN, Oct11 2010.
Mahmood Haj-Yahya received the Israel Chemical Society Prize for outstanding Ph.D. students.
Mahmood Haj-Yahya received the Negev scholarship for outstanding Ph.D. students.
Brik is the recipient of the Dean’s Honor for Excellent Researcher in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Our paper “Highly Efficient and Chemoselective Peptide Ubiquitylation” was highlighted in C&EN, Nov 16,2009.